School counselors deliver essential curriculum to all students every year through classroom guidance lessons, small groups and large presentations. We utilize the tools available through Naviance to help students identify their strengths, set goals and understand the opportunities available to them post graduation. A brief review of our comprehensive school counseling program follows:
9th grade: Identify strengths and set goals through classroom guidance.
10th grade: Explore personality traits as they relate to career opportunities through classroom guidance.
11th grade: Begin to research and plan post secondary goals through classroom guidance and small group opportunities.
12th grade: Prepare for post secondary plans through individual meetings with counselors and small group opportunities.
Naviance is the College/Career planning tool that all high schools in AACPS use. All students are given an account in 9th grade and School Counselors walk them through the various features throughout high school. Weekly emails are sent to all students/parents each week via Naviance to provide updates and resources from the School Counseling Office. All seniors will use Naviance for the college application process. Please be sure your personal email address is in your profile in the “About Me” section so you can receive emails sent from the Counseling Office.
Students can easily access Naviance through their classlinks page when signed on using their school username and password. A “Single Sign on” allows the student to access Naviance when signed on to class links so no other password is required. See the “Naviance Single Sign On Instructions” below.