Local Scholarship Applications Due May 1st 2024
Click on the titles for a copy of each application
Athletic Boosters Scholarship
Please visit the Athletics Website here for information.
The deadline was recently extended to May 1st.
Michael DiPaola Scholarship
The 2 scholarships will be awarded to a male and female student-athlete who embody the values with which Michael DiPaola lived his life. The student-athlete needs to be nominated by a coach who will send Mr. Smith a description of why he or she meets the following characteristics of the award:
*Be a member of a varsity athletic team at Broadneck
*Earn a minimum cumulative 3.30 unweighted GPA at the end of the first semester senior year
*Show a commitment to community service
*Demonstrate his or her best effort in all endeavors and consistently demonstrate kindness to others.
If you feel you meet these criteria, please contact your coach who will nominate you.
The Class of 2021 wants to continue to spread mental health awareness and fuel the conversation through a scholarship in Will’s name that focuses on mental health. There will be two recipients of The Will Kohn Scholarship! Each will receive $1000 that will go towards furthering their post-high school journey.
*Broadneck High School Student
*Volunteer work in the mental health field
*Recommendation letter from 2 teachers
*Respond to the essay prompt in at least 500 words "Why is Mental Health important to you and-your impact on the mental health world?"
Submit completed applications (resume, 2 letters of recommendation and essay) to Mrs. Sudo in the Counseling Office by May 1, 2024.
Jason Skarzynski Scholarship Application
Two scholarships will be awarded to two Broadneck HS graduating seniors in the amount of $1,000 each. One will be awarded to a student with a strong interest in the arts and one to a student with a strong interest in computer science fields. The application may be downloaded from Naviance.
Return completed applications to Mrs. Sudo in the Counseling Office no later than May 1, 2024.
The SADD scholarship is awarded to a graduating Broadneck High School senior who demonstrates the following attributes:
*Serves as a role model for his/her peers
*Respected by his/her peers and school and community adults
*Lives up to his/her own values
*Tolerant of other's opinions
*Demonstrates Integrity.
Please submit to Mrs. Sudo in the Counseling Office by May 1, 2024.
Awesome Scholarship
Every Senior can apply who is planning on going to college after graduation. Please answer the two questions in a 1 page essay.
*What is it that makes you awesome?
*What are your future plans?
Tell us why, how, or what makes you awesome in a 1-page essay. Essay should have student ID (no names) at top.
Submit essays to Mrs. Sudo in the Counseling Office by May 1, 2024.
Severn River Middle School PTSO Scholarship
The Severn River Middle School Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is proud to sponsor this competitive scholarship. We are passionate about recognizing those students who have challenged themselves academically while contributing to the Broadneck community. Heart is rated more heavily than GPA. This scholarship is open to any and all qualifying BHS seniors. To qualify for this $500 one time award, the graduating senior must:
1. Have a cumulative weighted Grade Point Average of 2.5 or better.
2. Have a recommendation from a BHS, staff member or administrator, included in application.
3. Write an original paragraph of no more than 250 words about your contribution to the Broadneck H.S. community including activities and volunteer work you feel is relevant.
4. Must have attended Severn River Middle School from 6th -8th grades
Please return your recommendation and paragraph to Mrs. Sudo by May 1st.
A copy of your transcript will be added to your application.