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ECAP (Early College Access Program)
Anne Arundel County Public School Schools (AACPS) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) are joint sponsors of the Early College Access Programs (ECAP) which allows students to dually enroll in AACC college credit courses at a discount. Additionally, eligible students may dually enroll at no cost under the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (“Blueprint”) statute, which provides funding for students who have met the eligibility requirements
View the Intro to ECAP Video below to get started
How do I enroll in an ECAP class?
Step 1: Review eligibility requirements on the ECAP website and email your school counselor if you're unsure.
Step 2: Apply to AACC using the "Apply Now" button on their website.
Step 3: Complete the ECAP funding request using the online portal.
Step 4: Talk to an AACC admissions representative to select classes and register.
Need Assistance?
For more information questions about ECAP email
Broadneck's AACC Admissions Liaison
Renee Booker
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